February 8, 2015


Japan's Foreign Affairs Minister Fumio Kishida
(image source: wikipedia.org.)

Global Times of China has reported that the country protested following the statement of Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida that an area being claimed by China and India is part of Arunachal Pradesh, a Northeastern province of India.

According to the report, Kishida said the statement in a question and answer conference when he was on his visit to India on Jan. 17 and 18. The minister also said that Japan will double its investment in the region but not in the disputed area. One of the projects included in the said investments is the civil nuclear cooperation between Japan and India. Kishida added that Japan also aims to help South Asian Association Regional Network on building energy network.

According to British BBC, Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it cannot confirm that the minister said the statement.

Indian-controlled territories such as Lower Tsay, Loyul and Monyul are claimed by China as part of its territory and have been illegally occupied by India.

According to Xinhua News, Beijing protested the remark made by Kishida and demands Tokyo to clarify itself regarding the statement.

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