February 2, 2015


PLA's HQ-9 surface-to-air missile mobile launcher (image source: wikipedia.org.)

According to a report on January 25 by Kanwa Defense Review, China aims to sell HQ-9 SAM missiles to its neighboring countries in Central Asia such as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in exchange to a favor of lowering oil price China has to pay for natural gas.

Natural gas is very abundant in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Because China has very high demand for natural gas, the country plans to sell weapons to these countries to settle better gas transactions. If these neighbor countries purchased like for instance, FD-2000 missiles, they would have to procure supporting items such as Chinese radars, fighter aircraft and early warning airplanes to complete the whole air defense system.

Kanwa Defense Review also stated that Uzbekistan has already procured Loong-1A UAV from China. China is also aiming to sell multi-role fighters to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

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